Better Cotton recognises that anyone that engages with Better Cotton activities, people or programmes has the right to raise a complaint. Complaints can relate to any aspect of Better Cotton and its activities, including third parties with a direct relationship with Better Cotton.
Better Cotton will take seriously any complaint received and will assess and respond to it promptly, with the aim of seeking a resolution as quickly as possible.
How to report an incident
There are three ways in which you can report an incident
Send an email to [email protected]
Talk to a member of staff directly
Complete the online form here:
Please note that your report does not need to be in English.
Please report in the language you feel most comfortable using.
What information to provide
Please be specific and include the following details:
- What happened?
- When did it happen?
- Who was involved?
- Any other information that you think is important or relevant
- Your contact details
What happens next?
Complaints will be reviewed and responded to within 3 weeks.
If more information is required, a member of our complaints team will get in touch with you to request a call to discuss the situation further.
What is non-admissible?
- Complaints around activities not associated with Better Cotton or Better Cotton activities
- Complaints against Better Cotton members not related to their Better Cotton membership
- Licensing decisions appeals – see the appeals section of the Assurance webpage for more information
- Chain of Custody and supply chain appeals, references in the Chain of Custody Standard
Better Cotton will always maintain confidentiality in any reported complaints, meaning that only those who need to know about the details of a complaint will be informed of them.
More Information
For more information please see our Complaints Policy