Better Cotton is grown with the support of a whole range of partners across cotton producing countries. Multi-stakeholder involvement is key to achieving the main objectives of Better Cotton, as set our in our 2030 Strategy. That’s why we are constantly looking for new partners to implement and support the Better Cotton Standard System.
Find out who can get involved in our field-level programme and how to contact us.
If you are a smallholder, medium or large farm producer in a country where Better Cotton is grown, please contact our Programmes Team who will connect you with the relevant partners in your country. If you are based in the US, you can reach out directly to our US team instead.
Prospective Partners
If you are an Organisation (NGO, Corporate, Public) in a country where Better Cotton is grown and you want to become a Programme Partner, please contact our team, who will discuss the process with you.
The endorsement process to become a Programme Partner will take a minimum of 12 weeks.

Learn more about our Programme Partners and find a list of all partners.
Benchmarked Standards
If you are a stakeholder in a country where you grow/support/purchase cotton with other standards than Better Cotton, please contact our country team to discuss our benchmarking process. In countries where a credible standard system for cotton production already exists, Better Cotton will prioritise benchmarking the existing standard system against the Better Cotton Standard System. Benchmarking can be an effective way to deepen impact while mainstreaming sustainability in cotton production, by building on existing knowledge and activities through meaningful partnerships.
We currently have benchmarking agreements with the following partners and standards:
– Australia: Cotton Australia / My Best Management Practices (myBMP)
– Brazil: Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão (ABRAPA) / The Responsible Brazilian Cotton Programme (ABR)
– Israel: Israel Cotton Production and Marketing Board (ICB) / Israel Cotton Production Standard System (ICPSS)
– Greece: Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Demeter, Inter-Branch Organization of Greek Cotton / Agro-2 Standard
Learn more about the standards that are benchmarked with the Better Cotton Standard System.
Better Cotton Benchmarking Programme Policy 2022
DownloadNew Country Programme Start Up
If you are a cotton stakeholder in a country where Better Cotton is not currently produced, please have a look at our New Country Programme Policy, which enumerates the criteria for establishing a new Better Cotton programme.
Better Cotton New Country Programme Policy 2022
DownloadThe key requisites for starting a new programme are:
- Multi-stakeholder Approach: Strong multi-stakeholder participation that includes the range of actors that directly or indirectly contribute to farm-level outcomes is the foundation of Better Cotton programmes and key to sustaining Better Cotton’s mission.
- National Embedding: Better Cotton’s long-term vision is that Better Cotton production becomes embedded in national cotton governance structures.
- Programme Management and Resources: Better Cotton prioritises strategic partnerships with organisations or entities which can take on significant oversight, management, and budget responsibilities.
Get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.