BESTSELLER join the Better Cotton Fast Track Program

We are excited to announce that BESTSELLERhave become the newest Member of the Better Cotton Fast Track Program (BTFCP). One of Europe’s largest fashion brands, BESTSELLERhas been a member of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) since 2011 and are now …

Better Cotton Joins the Bremen Cotton Exchange

We are delighted to announce that BCI have become the Bremen Cotton Exchange’s newest member. The purpose of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, is to ”maintain and to promote the interests of all those connected with the cotton trade and with …

IPUD, Better Cotton Partner in Turkey, join the ICA

BCI’s Strategic Partner in Turkey, the Good Cotton Practices Association (IPUD), has become a member of the International Cotton Association (ICA). The ICA are the world’s leading international cotton trade association and arbitral body. IPUD’s membership will work to strengthen …

Increased traceability for Brazilian cotton

BCI Partner the Brazilian Cotton Growers Association (ABRAPA) have announced that they willimplement a National Cotton Quality Database: as part of the existing Standard Cotton HVI Program developed by ABRAPA, this database will make Brazil only the second country in …

Logo and branding

Please ensure you are familiar with the BCI logo guidelines before accessing the logo files below. You can find the guidelines here. Only BCI Members and Partners (this does not include Better Cotton Platform Users) are authorised to use the BCI logo …

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