Here you will find guidance and requirements on how Better Cotton Members calculate their total annual cotton fibre consumption.
You will also find guidance on how Retailer & Brand Members can arrange Independent Assessment of their cotton fibre consumption measurements.
Annual Cotton Consumption Submission Documents
Please find below our Cotton Calculation Tool and Annual Cotton Consumption Submission Form for Retailer & Brand Members. Retailer & Brand Members are required to recalculate their total cotton fibre consumption measurement annually and submit to Better Cotton by the annual deadline of 15 January.
Cotton Consumption Calculation Resources
These resources aim to help Members understand how to use the Cotton Calculation Tool and Annual Cotton Consumption Submission Form.
Cotton Calculation Tool Tutorial
Annual Cotton Consumption Submission Form Tutorial
Independent Assessment Resources
From January 2024 onwards, Better Cotton will be introducing Independent Assessment requirements for the cotton consumption calculations that Retailer and Brand Members submit annually to Better Cotton. Full guidance is available below.