Suppliers and manufacturers play a critical role in ensuring the flow of Better Cotton volumes through the supply chain to the global market, providing an all-important link between supply and demand. Our more than 2,200 Supplier and Manufacturer Members are based in 65 countries, and the membership category comprises many different types of organisations involved in buying, selling and processing Better Cotton. In 2023, Spinner Members sourced an incredible 3.2 million tonnes of Better Cotton, ensuring there was ample supply available on the global market.

What it means to be a Supplier and Manufacturer Member

By sourcing Better Cotton, Supplier and Manufacturer Members ensure that the demand for Better Cotton reaches Better Cotton Farmers and their communities, while also enabling Better Cotton Retailer and Brand Members to achieve and advance their targets to source more sustainable materials. Members are both committed to Better Cotton and improving the resilience of the cotton supply chain. Some of our members play a direct role in training farmers, with 17 Supplier and Manufacturer Members in six countries also acting as Better Cotton Programme Partners, delivering advice and training in the field.

We provide training to suppliers and manufacturers on how to source Better Cotton using the Better Cotton Chain of Custody and the Better Cotton Platform – our online platform that tracks volumes of cotton sourced as Better Cotton through the supply chain. Members also participate in Better Cotton’s General Assembly and Council, helping to influence the future of Better Cotton.

Benefits of Membership

Meet customer demand for sustainability – Join the largest sustainable cotton programme worldwide and help meet your and your customers’ growing sustainability targets, as demand for more sustainable cotton rises.

Grow your business – Tap into new markets and build business relationships with retailers and brands increasingly interested in sustainability. We help you gain visibility with our Retailer and Brand Members and offer valuable networking opportunities.

Support cotton farmers – Impact cotton farmers’ productivity and livelihoods directly by sourcing Better Cotton.

Have your say in the future of cotton – Join the BCI Council and contribute directly to our future direction. Supplier and Manufacturer Members hold three seats on the Better Cotton Council.

Further your learning – Learn through Better Cotton’s Supplier Training Programme and gain access to member-only content.

Communicate your membership – Promote your Better Cotton membership using our logo and make selected claims on your marketing and promotional materials using the Better Cotton Claims Framework.

Important: Beyond the gin, Better Cotton can operate using either a Mass Balance or Physical Chain of Custody Model. In the case of Mass Balance, Better Cotton can be mixed with conventional cotton in the supply chain, and as a Supplier and Manufacturer Member, you will be responsible for allocating Better Cotton Claim Units to cotton-containing orders. Suppliers and Manufacturers can only sell Physical Better Cotton or Better Cotton products when they have been produced following one of the Physical Chain of Custody Models.

Who can join as a Supplier and Manufacturer Member

  • Intermediaries in the cotton supply chain such as spinners, integrated spinners, non-lint traders, fabric mills, vertically integrated mills, end product manufacturers and sourcing agents.
  • Cotton traders dealing in raw cotton.
Useful resources for Suppliers and Manufacturer Members
How to become a member

To apply for Better Cotton membership, simply complete an application form for your category. Download the application form, or email your request to:

Application process:

1. Send us your application form with the requested supporting information, including your annual income.

2. We receive and acknowledge receipt of your application form and check that it is complete.

3. We carry out due diligence research, to ensure there are no outstanding issues that can create reputational risk for Better Cotton.

4. We collate and analyse the results, and provide the Better Cotton Executive Group with a recommendation for approval.

5. The Better Cotton Executive Group reviews the application and provides a final approval decision.

6. We send you an invoice for fees, and you are listed on the Member Only section of our website for Better Cotton Members, under New Members’ Consultation.

7. On payment of your membership invoice you become a member-in-consultation for 12 weeks during which time you have full access to all membership benefits.

8. If no issues arise during member consultation, you are a member of Better Cotton; we will communicate with you in case any issues are raised during consultation.

9. If your membership consultation results in membership being revoked, all fees paid to Better Cotton Initiative will be refunded.

Please note that the entire process can take 3-6 weeks from receipt of a completed application form, not including the 12-week consultation period.

Interested in becoming a member? Apply below, or get in touch with our team at

139.06 KB

Better Cotton Membership Application Form Suppliers Manufacturers Cotton Traders

141.97 KB

Better Cotton Membership Application Form Suppliers Manufacturers Other Intermediaries
