- Who we are
- What we do
In just over 10 years we have become the world’s largest cotton sustainability programme. Our mission: to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment.
- Where we grow
Better Cotton is grown in 22 countries around the world and accounts for 22% of global cotton production. In the 2022-23 cotton season, 2.13 million licensed Better Cotton Farmers grew 5.47 million tonnes of Better Cotton.
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Today Better Cotton has more than 2,700 members, reflecting the breadth and diversity of the industry. Members of a global community that understands the mutual benefits of sustainable cotton farming. The moment you join, you become part of this too.
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The founding premise of Better Cotton is that a healthy sustainable future for cotton and the people that farm it is in the interests of everyone connected with it.
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In Sakrand, a town in the Sindh province of Pakistan, BCI’s Implementing Partner, Cotton Connect, is working with local partner Sustainable Agriculture and Friendly Environment (SAFE), to implement better cotton farming practices, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) when applying pesticides.

BCI Farmer Ghounhwar Khan Bhutto lives in a village near Sakrand. He is a smallholder and has been cultivating his land for the past 15 years. He became a licensed BCI Farmer in the 2016-17 season and has already seen some benefits.
Before learning about the Better Cotton Standard System, he had little knowledge of using PPE when applying pesticides to his cotton crop and would expose himself and his workers to unnecessary risks when applying chemicals. He was also unsure of how to optimise the timing and quantity of pesticide applications, leading to poor crop yields.
Since joining the BCI Programme and becoming a licensed BCI Farmer he has developed a much stronger knowledge of safe and timely pesticide applications. He also understands the value of using PPE. Ghounhwar Khan Bhutto regularly participates in training sessions organised by BCI field staff and he believes his quality of farming and health have improved.