Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers and Brands

This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands.

Better Cotton Claims Training for Marketing Teams

This session is for existing Retailer and Brand Members of Better Cotton and will focus on how to make credible claims about Better Cotton. Please note this training is mandatory and must be attended in order to satisfy one of the eligibility criteria to make use of any Better Cotton Claims.

Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers & Brands

This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands. Audience: …

Women in Cotton: Chats for Change with Mya Kirkwood


Women in Cotton's nextĀ Chats for ChangeĀ event will be delivered in honour of International Womenā€™s Day (IWD) by Mya Kirkwood ā€“ Doctoral Researcher at University of Liverpool Management School. 2024ā€™s IWD …