AgriClimate Nexus: Food, Fibre and Regeneration for Sustainable Growth in India

Aloft Aerocity, Aerocity, New Delhi 5B, IGI T3 Road, Aerocity, Delhi Aerocity, New Delhi, Delhi, India

IDH and Better Cotton are pleased to hold a cross-commodity summit to build consensus among stakeholder groups on the scope and merits of regenerative agriculture, as well as to identify opportunities for action across policy, business, finance and research. The event will bring together actors from different agricultural value chains including farmer organisations, private companies, …

Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers & Brands

This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands.

Supplier Training Programme: Mandarin

Better Cottonā€™s Supplier Training Programme (STP) is designed to help suppliers understand Better Cottonā€™s mission, learn about the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines which is based on mass-balance administration, and familiarise themselves with the Better Cotton Platform. These webinars have a more technical focus on the business of Better Cotton.

Better Cotton Retailer & Brand Member Workshop – Bengaluru

Bengaluru, India

This workshop for Retailer and Brand Members will address critical topics of interest for the group. This workshop aims to connect Better Cotton Members, facilitating a discussion around the successes …

Introduction to Better Cotton for Suppliers and Manufacturers

This series of public webinars aim to provide you with an introduction to Better Cotton, Better Cotton Membership offer and Better Cotton Platform supplier registration while simultaneously addressing your related queries.

Better Cotton Monthly Training for Retailers and Brands

Better Cotton offers a monthly Sourcing and Communications training session. This is aimed at new Retailer and Brand Members, and also existing Retailer and Brand Members interested in refreshing their knowledge or training new team members.

Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers & Brands

This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands.

Supplier Training Programme: Portuguese

O Programa de Treinamento de Fornecedores (STP) foi projetado para ajudar os fabricantes e fornecedores inscritos na Better Cotton a compreenderem a nossa missĆ£o e objetivos, aprender sobre as Diretrizes da Cadeia de CustĆ³dia (Regras) da Better Cotton que se baseia no BalanƧo de massa e familiarizar-se com a Plataforma Better Cotton. Um foco mais tĆ©cnico no negĆ³cio da organizaĆ§Ć£o.

Supplier Training Programme: English

Better Cotton's Supplier Training Programme (STP) is designed to help suppliers understand our mission, learn about the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines which is based on mass-balance administration, and familiarise themselves with the Better Cotton Platform. A more technical focus on the business of Better Cotton.