Introduction to Better Cotton for Prospective Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineThis series of public webinars aims to introduce you to Better Cotton, the Better Cotton Membership offer, and Better Cotton Platform supplier registration while simultaneously addressing your related queries.
Supplier Training Programme: Part 1 and 2: Get Ready for Traceability – Chain of Custody Standard & the Better Cotton Platform (MANDARIN)
OnlineThis online training session is directed to all existing and new Better Cotton Suppliers and Manufacturers who are interested in learning more about Traceable (also known as Physical) Better Cotton, …
Better Cotton Monthly Training for Retailers & Brands
OnlineThis is a Members-only event – you can register through myBetterCotton. If you require access to myBetterCotton, contact Better Cotton offers a monthly training session for Retailer and Brand …
Better Cotton Traceability Webinar #1 for Primary Contacts and General Managers of Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineAre you a leader or a general manager in your organisation? Have you heard that it's now possible to source traceable Better Cotton? Interested in learning more, including the benefits …
Better Cotton Traceability Webinar #2 for Site/Operational Managers of Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineAre you interested in how to source, handle and sell traceable Better Cotton? Are you an operational manager / site lead responsible for implementing management systems? Join this webinar to …
Better Cotton Traceability Webinar #3 for Better Cotton Platform Users of Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineDo you already use the Better Cotton Platform? Are you interested in learning more about the changes that make it possible to source, transform and sell traceable Better Cotton? Join …
Better Cotton Claims Training
OnlineThis is a Members-only event – you can register through myBetterCotton. If you require access to myBetterCotton, contact This session is for existing members of Better Cotton, and will focus on …
Introduction to Better Cotton for Prospective Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineThis series of public webinars aims to introduce you to Better Cotton, the Better Cotton Membership offer, and Better Cotton Platform supplier registration while simultaneously addressing your related queries.
Women in Cotton: Chats for Change with Abigail Hoelscher, Ashley Paddock and Mashiat Tarannum
OnlineWomen in Cotton's next Chats for Change event gives participants the opportunity to join delegates from 2024’s class of Complete Cotton as they discuss the history of women in the workplace, where …
Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese
OnlineO Programa de Treinamento de Fornecedores (STP) foi projetado para ajudar os fabricantes e fornecedores inscritos na Better Cotton a compreenderem a nossa missão e objetivos, aprender sobre as Diretrizes …
Better Cotton Traceability Webinar #1 for Primary Contacts and General Managers of Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineAre you a leader or a general manager in your organisation? Have you heard that it's now possible to source traceable Better Cotton? Interested in learning more, including the benefits …
Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers and Brands
This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands. Audience: …