Upgrading BCI’s Monitoring & Evaluation System


BCI hosted this monthly member-only webinar to hear the latest updates from the Monitoring & Evaluation Team, where the audience learned more about the increased use of technology and how the M&E programme is aligning with the sector’s priorities and SDGs, including more about a new project to link sourcing to the science-based targets.

Value from Purpose – past present and in your future


This session will look at the forces that have created an unstoppable momentum behind “Purpose”; defined as “the demonstration of positive impact on relevant social and environmental issues, to create value for individuals, the business and wider society”.

Better Cotton Introduction for Suppliers and Manufacturers


This series of public webinars aim to provide you an introduction to BCI, Better Cotton, BCI Membership offer and Better Cotton Platform supplier registration while simultaneously addressing your related queries.

Better Cotton Introduction for Suppliers and Manufacturers


This series of public webinars aim to provide you an introduction to BCI, Better Cotton, BCI Membership offer and Better Cotton Platform supplier registration while simultaneously addressing your related queries.

Cottoning on to Climate Change


Cotton 2040 will host a public webinar, drawing on the first ever global analysis of physical climate risks across global cotton growing regions for the 2040s conducted for the Cotton 2040 initiative, to share the key findings and data from the research. The webinar aims to help participants understand how climate change is likely to impact key cotton growing regions and supply chains. The speakers will explore with producers and industry actors what these findings mean for their organisations, and what’s needed to respond to the challenge.

Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers & Brands


This series of public webinars will provide an introduction to BCI, details around the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership information for retailers and brands.

Supplier Training Programme: Portugese


Better Cotton’s Supplier Training Programme (STP) is designed to help suppliers understand Better Cotton’s mission, learn about the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines which is based on mass-balance administration, and familiarise themselves with the Better Cotton Platform. These webinars have a more technical focus on the business of Better Cotton.

Better Cotton Introduction for Suppliers and Manufacturers


This series of public webinars aim to provide you an introduction to BCI, Better Cotton, BCI Membership offer and Better Cotton Platform supplier registration while simultaneously addressing your related queries.

Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers & Brands


This series of public webinars will provide an introduction to BCI, details around the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership information for retailers and brands.

Better Cotton Supplier Training Programme: English


Better Cotton’s Supplier Training Programme (STP) is designed to help suppliers understand Better Cotton’s mission, learn about the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines which is based on mass-balance administration, and familiarise themselves with the Better Cotton Platform. These webinars have a more technical focus on the business of Better Cotton.

BCI Supplier Training Programme: Turkish


Better Cotton’s Supplier Training Programme (STP) is designed to help suppliers understand Better Cotton’s mission, learn about the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines which is based on mass-balance administration, and familiarise themselves with the Better Cotton Platform. These webinars have a more technical focus on the business of Better Cotton.

BCI Update on Measuring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Join us for an update on BCI’s work to measure and report greenhouse gas emissions. During the webinar we will share the results of global research and analysis conducted in collaboration with Anthesis. This will include insight into progress with the quantification of GHG emissions of Better Cotton production, identification of key drivers, and exploration of recommendations for reducing emissions.