Supplier Training Programme
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- Supplier Training Programme
Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese – All About the Better Cotton Platform
OnlineEste treinamento será realizado especificamente para todos os assuntos relacionados à plataforma Better Cotton. Público: A Better Cotton convida fornecedores que compram algodão BC e que são novos ou aqueles que estão simplesmente interessados em aprender mais sobre a Better Cotton. Portanto, traders, fiações, fábricas de tecidos e fabricantes de produtos finais são os candidatos …
Supplier Training Programme Part 1 and 2: Get Ready for Traceability – Chain of Custody Standard & the Better Cotton Platform (MANDARIN)
OnlineThis online training session is directed to all existing and new Better Cotton Suppliers and Manufacturers who are interested in learning more about Traceable (also known as Physical) Better Cotton, …
Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese
OnlineO Programa de Treinamento de Fornecedores (STP) foi projetado para ajudar os fabricantes e fornecedores inscritos na Better Cotton a compreenderem a nossa missão e objetivos, aprender sobre as Diretrizes …
Supplier Training Programme – Spanish
El Programa de Formación para Proveedores (STP) está diseñado para ayudar a los fabricantes y proveedores registrados de Better Cotton a entender nuestra misión y objetivos, conocer las Directrices de …
Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese: All About the Better Cotton Platform
OnlineEste treinamento será realizado especificamente para todos os assuntos relacionados à plataforma Better Cotton. Público: A Better Cotton convida fornecedores que compram algodão BC e que são novos ou aqueles que …
Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese
OnlineThe Supplier Training Program (STP) is tailored to support suppliers and manufacturers participating in Better Cotton by providing a comprehensive understanding of our mission and objectives. It offers detailed guidance …
Supplier Training Programme: Turkish
OnlineBetter Cotton tedarik eden tüm üretici ve tedarikçilerimiz, aramıza yeni katılanlar veya sadece bizim hakkımızda bilgi edinmek isteyen herkes için online tedarikçi eğitimimize kaydolabilirsiniz. Better Cotton hakkında bilgi edinmek ve …
Supplier Training Programme – Spanish
OnlineThe Supplier Training Program (STP) is tailored to support suppliers and manufacturers participating in Better Cotton by providing a comprehensive understanding of our mission and objectives. It offers detailed guidance on Better Cotton's Chain of Custody Guidelines, which are grounded in the Mass Balance system, and facilitates familiarity with the Better Cotton Platform. Additionally, the …
Supplier Training Programme – All About the Better Cotton Platform – Portuguese
OnlineThis training is specifically focused on all aspects related to the Better Cotton Platform. Target Audience: Better Cotton invites suppliers who purchase Better Cotton, whether they are new to the program or simply seeking to deepen their understanding of it. Ideal participants include traders, spinning mills, textile mills, and end-product manufacturers.
Supplier Training Programme: Turkish
OnlineBetter Cotton tedarik eden tüm üretici ve tedarikçilerimiz, aramıza yeni katılanlar veya sadece bizim hakkımızda bilgi edinmek isteyen herkes için online tedarikçi eğitimimize kaydolabilirsiniz. Better Cotton hakkında bilgi edinmek ve varsa sorularınızı sorabilmek için sizler de etkinliğimize davetlisiniz. Eğitimimiz Türkçedir, ücretsizdir ve katılımcı sayısı kısıtı bulunmamaktadır. Görüşmek üzere,
Supplier Training Programme: Certification and Sourcing Physical Better Cotton – Turkish
OnlineThis is a Supplier Training Session focusing on organisations that are interested in sourcing Physical Better Cotton. We will cover: About Better Cotton Why become certified and source Physical Better Cotton Claims you can make Guidance on becoming certified against the Chain of Custody Standard How to source Physical Better Cotton on the Better Cotton …
Supplier Training Programme: Sourcing with Mass Balance – English
OnlineThis is a Supplier Training Session focusing on organisations that are interested in sourcing with Mass Balance, based in Europe, the US and Africa. We will cover: About Better Cotton Why source with mass balance Claims you can make Guidance on implementing the Chain of Custody Standard How to source with mass balance on the …