Better Cotton Traceability Webinar #1 for Primary Contacts and General Managers of Suppliers and Manufacturers
OnlineAre you a leader or a general manager in your organisation? Have you heard that it's now possible to source traceable Better Cotton? Interested in learning more, including the benefits to your organisation and how to begin? Join this webinar where we will give a brief presentation followed by time for Q&A. This webinar is …
Cotton Consumption and Independent Assessment Training for Retailer and Brand Members
OnlineThis is a Members-only event – you can register through myBetterCotton. If you require access to myBetterCotton, contact [email protected]. Now is the time to start preparing for the annual cotton consumption submission. To assist you in this process, we invite Retailer and Brand Members to join our training webinar on Cotton Consumption and Independent Assessment.
Supplier Training Programme – Spanish
El Programa de Formación para Proveedores (STP) está diseñado para ayudar a los fabricantes y proveedores registrados de Better Cotton a entender nuestra misión y objetivos, conocer las Directrices de …