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Better Cotton Programme Partner Meeting


The Programme Partner Meeting is a three-day virtual gathering that will unite Better Cotton growers, partners, and stakeholders to share, learn, and network. Across three days we will explore the …

Supplier Training Programme: Turkish

Better Cotton’s Supplier Training Programme (STP) is designed to help suppliers understand Better Cotton’s mission, learn about the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines which is based on mass-balance administration, and familiarise themselves with the Better Cotton Platform. These webinars have a more technical focus on the business of Better Cotton.

Better Cotton Monthly Training for Retailers and Brands

Better Cotton offers a monthly Sourcing and Communications training session. This is aimed at new Retailer and Brand Members, and also existing Retailer and Brand Members interested in refreshing their knowledge or training new team members.

Supplier Training Programme: Get Ready for Traceability (Mandarin)


This online training session is directed to all existing and new Better Cotton Suppliers and Manufacturers who are interested in learning more about Traceable (also known as Physical) Better Cotton, the Better Cotton Platform (BCP), and the Chain of Custody Standard v1.0. Better Cotton’s traceability solution went live on November 2 by introducing a new …