An Update for Retailer and Brand Members from the Claims Team:

As our Members will likely be aware, legislation governing green claims is requiring the industry to take stock and reflect on how ‘more sustainable’ is defined and how this can be communicated to consumers in a fair and consistent way.

As we move towards allowing a label for products containing Physical (Traceable) Better Cotton, we continue to closely monitor the evolving legislation and work to ensure that our claims offering demonstrates real value to our Members, whilst meeting legislative requirements and expectations of consumers. Informed by a member survey, a consumer research study and some one-on-one consultation with members, the decision has been made to begin to phase out the option to use the Better Cotton mass balance on-product mark in its current form.

This session will cover important information such as timelines, plans for a future label, and your Mass Balance sourcing.

Member Webinar
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Sustainability Issues
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Event Date / Time

September 20, 2024
18:00 - 19:00 (CEST)

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