
We are excited to announce that, as of February 2014, we have added a new category to our membership offer – Travel and Leisure (T&L). A T&L member includes any for-profit organisation using cotton based goods as part of the services they provide. Through the T&L industry, cotton is used in so many different ways – from bed sheets to airline seats (and many things in between). T&L members have the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future for the sector and are all committed to supporting BCI in our mission – transforming cotton production worldwide by developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity.

Being a member of BCI means supporting the BCI mission as part of your organisation’s involvement in cotton, and committing to improving cotton production through both your own actions and through direct financial investments. To find out more about our membership offer, Click Here, or for enquiries, contact our membership team by e-mailing [email protected].

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