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In just over 10 years we have become the world’s largest cotton sustainability programme. Our mission: to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment.
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Better Cotton is grown in 22 countries around the world and accounts for 22% of global cotton production. In the 2022-23 cotton season, 2.13 million licensed Better Cotton Farmers grew 5.47 million tonnes of Better Cotton.
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The founding premise of Better Cotton is that a healthy sustainable future for cotton and the people that farm it is in the interests of everyone connected with it.
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Better Cotton has announced the renewal of its strategic partnership1 with the cotton sustainability initiative ELGO-DOV in Greece.
Since 2020, ELGO-DOV’s AGRO-2 Integrated Management Standard has been recognised as equivalent to the Better Cotton Standard System (BCSS), enabling farmers certified against AGRO-2 to sell their cotton as ‘Better Cotton’.
In the 22/23 cotton season, 15,096 farmers attained an AGRO-2 certificate from ELGO-DOV, producing 100,549 metric tonnes of Better Cotton, representing around one third of the country’s production for the season.
ELGO-DOV and the cotton farmers it supports have demonstrated a strong commitment to the production of more sustainable cotton. Our continued alignment and collaboration send out a powerful message that, together, we can drive further progress across the country.
Greece is Europe’s largest cotton producer with more than 50,000 farms supporting the livelihoods of more than 100,000 farmers and farm workers.
Following ELGO-DOV’s success in aligning its field-level requirements with Better Cotton’s updated Principles & Criteria (P&C) v.3.02, the strategic partnership renewal will be will be fully implemented by the 2025/26 season.
Better Cotton requires Strategic Partners to periodically reassess and, where necessary, realign their standards with the BCSS to ensure that their objectives remain consistent and that they too evolve to continually support the needs of cotton farmers.
Following the renewal of our partnership with Better Cotton, we are pleased to express our appreciation for being part of such a significant global initiative. Greek cotton is cultivated in full compliance with the stringent environmental and labour regulations of the European Union, harvested and ginned through fully mechanised processes. This crop plays a vital role across the regions of Greece where it is grown.
We welcome the continuation of our collaboration and look forward to achieving further progress, in close cooperation with Better Cotton, for the benefit of the entire cotton supply chain.
1 Better Cotton Strategic Partners operate equivalent sustainable cotton programmes that align with and are benchmarked against the Better Cotton Standard.