Better Cotton is the world’s leading sustainability initiative for cotton. Our mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment.
In just over 10 years we have become the world’s largest cotton sustainability programme. Our mission: to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment.
Better Cotton is grown in 22 countries around the world and accounts for 22% of global cotton production. In the 2022-23 cotton season, 2.13 million licensed Better Cotton Farmers grew 5.47 million tonnes of Better Cotton.
Today Better Cotton has more than 2,700 members, reflecting the breadth and diversity of the industry. Members of a global community that understands the mutual benefits of sustainable cotton farming. The moment you join, you become part of this too.
The founding premise of Better Cotton is that a healthy sustainable future for cotton and the people that farm it is in the interests of everyone connected with it.
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Breaking Down Healthcare Barriers in Côte d’Ivoire
Better Cotton has launched a two-year pilot project in Côte d’Ivoire to boost cotton farming communities’ access to essential, quality healthcare services and create a replicable model for marginalised groups around the world.
Better Cotton has completed its transition to become a certification scheme, underscoring our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of sustainability and transparency in the cotton industry.
In just 15 years, Better Cotton has aligned more than a fifth of the world’s cotton with our standard and helped farmers and farming communities thrive. Last year, 2.13 million Better Cotton farmers produced 5.47 million tonnes of Better Cotton, or 22% of the world’s cotton production.
Read the 2023-24 Annual Report and discover how we’re taking the next strides on our mission to support the production of more equitable and sustainable cotton at farm level.
India has been a pioneering force within the Better Cotton Programme since its first Better Cotton harvest in 2011, and now has the largest number of farmers participating in the Better Cotton Programme.
Our India Impact Report examines data from the 2014-15 to 2021-22 cotton seasons, as well as programmatic information up to 2023, and identify trends in the results of Better Cotton in India.
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