Better Cotton’s head offices are in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Additionally, we have regional offices in China, India and Pakistan, as well as staff based in Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Denmark, Germany, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Türkiye, the US and Uzbekistan.

Better Cotton
Ch. de Balexert 7-9
1219 Châtelaine

Better Cotton
30 Churchill Place
London, E14 5RE
United Kingdom

Get in Touch

Please use the dropdown menu below to select the nature of your query, or to choose a specific country team to contact.

Report a Concern

In keeping with our vision and values, Better Cotton is committed to maintaining a high degree of ethical conduct and work standards amongst our staff and associated personnel, and to setting expectations for ethical conduct in the supply chain. We encourage stakeholders to report any concerns they might have.

Please use the links below to navigate to the right web page for your concern.

Have you experienced or witnessed an incident of sexual harassment, exploitation or abuse?

Please submit a safeguarding incident report by visiting the safeguarding page using the link below.

Would you like to report a serious concern of public interest?

Please submit a whistleblowing incident report by visiting the whistleblowing page using the link below.

Do you have any other concern?

Please submit a complaint by visiting the complaints page using the link below.

Do you have a concern about the Better Cotton Platform?

Please write to [email protected] or call us on 0091-6366528916


Better Cotton will always maintain confidentiality in any reported complaints, meaning that only those who need to know about the details of a complaint will be informed of them.