Better Cotton in Brazil (ABR)
Brazil is one of the world’s largest cotton producers, with primarily large, mechanised farms. Cotton production here is thriving.
Brazil is one of the world’s largest cotton producers. The volume of cotton grown is increasing, both due to productivity and good conditions for growing cotton in different regions.
With Brazil also sourcing a lot of cotton fibre, it is an important country, as we aim to support both the supply of more sustainable cotton and encourage more buyers to purchase Better Cotton.
Better Cotton Partner in Brazil
The Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão (ABRAPA) became a Better Cotton Programme Partner in 2010. Together, we built a strong working relationship, and in 2014, ABRAPA became a Strategic Partner after completing a thorough benchmarking process that aligned ABRAPA’s own sustainable cotton programme, the Algodão Brasileira Responsável (or ABR programme), with the Better Cotton Standard. This means that cotton farmers growing cotton in a way that respects the ABR programme can sell their cotton as Better Cotton.

We joined the ABR and Better Cotton programmes as we wanted to follow the social, environmental and economic best practices championed by the two Standards. Over the years, we have focused on continuously improving our processes, from soil preparation to harvesting. We’ve made better use of available resources and technology and placed a greater focus on long-term sustainability.
Brazil is a Better Cotton Equivalent Standard Country
Find out what this means
Which regions grow Better Cotton in Brazil?
As of 2020-21, ABR/Better Cotton is grown in the states of Piaui, Tocantins, Rondonia, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhao, Goias and Bahia.
When is Better Cotton grown in Brazil?
Depending on the region, cotton is sown from October to March and harvested from April to September.
Pakistan is a Better Cotton Standard Country
Sustainability challenges
In a tropical climate with intense pest pressure, Brazilian farmers face a real challenge in reducing their use of pesticides to protect their crops, including highly hazardous pesticides. The boll weevil pest presents a particular threat to producing healthy cotton crops.
Working with ABRAPA, we’re doing everything we can to help farmers use the latest best practices to manage pests, including by reducing the need for harsh chemicals. We also support farmers in taking action to help protect workers’ rights. Over the past few years, as the Brazilian government has introduced more stringent labour rights regulations, ABRAPA has modified its own sustainable cotton standard to reflect the legal updates.
Carlos Alberto Moresco, an ABRAPA and Better Cotton producer, talks about sustainable farming practices.
In April 2024, Better Cotton shared the findings of an independent audit which investigated allegations relating to cotton production in Brazil’s Matopiba region and set out the steps we are taking in response. To find out more, head to this link.
Get in touch
Contact our team via the contact form if you’d like to learn more, become a partner or you’re a farmer interested in farming Better Cotton.