Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese


O Programa de Treinamento de Fornecedores (STP) foi projetado para ajudar os fabricantes e fornecedores inscritos na Better Cotton a compreenderem a nossa missão e objetivos, aprender sobre as Diretrizes …

Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers and Brands

This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands. Audience: For any Retailers and Brands who want to know more about Better Cotton and Membership options. Staff within existing Better Cotton Members are welcome to …

Supplier Training Programme: Part 1 and 2: Get Ready for Traceability – Chain of Custody Standard & the Better Cotton Platform (MANDARIN)


This online training session is directed to all existing and new Better Cotton Suppliers and Manufacturers who are interested in learning more about Traceable (also known as Physical) Better Cotton, the Better Cotton Platform (BCP), and the Chain of Custody Standard v1.0. Better Cotton’s traceability solution went live on November 2 by introducing a new …

Webinar: Phase Out of the Mass Balance On-Product Mark Claim


An Update for Retailer and Brand Members from the Claims Team: As our Members will likely be aware, legislation governing green claims is requiring the industry to take stock and reflect on how ‘more sustainable’ is defined and how this can be communicated to consumers in a fair and consistent way. As we move towards …

Webinar: Phase Out of the Mass Balance On-Product Mark Claim


An Update for Retailer and Brand Members from the Claims Team: As our Members will likely be aware, legislation governing green claims is requiring the industry to take stock and reflect on how ‘more sustainable’ is defined and how this can be communicated to consumers in a fair and consistent way. As we move towards …

Better Cotton Large Farm Dialogue


The Large Farm Dialogue Series is an initiative to bring together selected partners working where cotton is grown in large fields, is highly mechanised, and/or relies on permanent hired labour. …

Better Cotton Claims Training


This session is for existing members of Better Cotton and will focus on training brands on how to make Key Basic Claims, Advanced, and Product-level claims according to the Better Cotton Claims Framework v3.1. We will also cover the phase-out details and timeline of the Mass Balance on-product mark claim. Additionally, we will cover: The …