Better Cotton Türkiye Field Trip 2024

Söke, Aydın, Türkiye

This is an exclusive event for Better Cotton Retailer and Brand Members. Join us on World Cotton Day to celebrate together with farmers and sector representatives for a fantastic journey …

Supplier Training Programme Part 1 and 2: Get Ready for Traceability – Chain of Custody Standard & the Better Cotton Platform (MANDARIN)


This online training session is directed to all existing and new Better Cotton Suppliers and Manufacturers who are interested in learning more about Traceable (also known as Physical) Better Cotton, the Better Cotton Platform (BCP), and the Chain of Custody Standard v1.0. Better Cotton’s traceability solution went live on November 2 by introducing a new …

Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese


O Programa de Treinamento de Fornecedores (STP) foi projetado para ajudar os fabricantes e fornecedores inscritos na Better Cotton a compreenderem a nossa missão e objetivos, aprender sobre as Diretrizes da Cadeia de Regras do Better Cotton que se baseia no Balanço de massa e familiarizar-se com a Plataforma Better Cotton. Um foco mais técnico …

Better Cotton Monthly Training for Retailers and Brands

This is a Members-only event – you can register through myBetterCotton. If you require access to myBetterCotton, contact [email protected]. Better Cotton offers a monthly training session for Retailer and Brand Members. Please note we will not have a training session in August. Who should attend? What is the Training Format? This is a Members Only …

Supplier Training Programme – Spanish

El Programa de Formación para Proveedores (STP) está diseñado para ayudar a los fabricantes y proveedores registrados de Better Cotton a entender nuestra misión y objetivos, conocer las Directrices de la Cadena de Custodia de Better Cotton basadas en el Balance de Masas y familiarizarse con la Plataforma Better Cotton. Un enfoque más técnico del …