
Did you know that Brazil produced the largest volumes of Better Cotton in the 2018-19 cotton season and that India had the greatest number of licensed BCI Farmers?

In our new Better Cotton Country Snapshots, we focus in on each country where Better Cotton is grown and explore the successes, challenges and key changes that occurred in the 2018-19 cotton season. Click the image below to explore the snapshots.

In Australia, Brazil and multiple African countries, farmers grow cotton in line with robust sustainable cotton standards, which have been benchmarked with the Better Cotton Standard and recognised as equivalent standards. Farmers growing cotton in line with these standards can sell their cotton as Better Cotton.

ThemyBMP standard in Australia is managed by Cotton Australia, the ABR standard in Brazil is managed by Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão (ABRAPA), and the Cotton Made in Africa (CmiA) Standard and Smallholder Cotton Standard (SCS) implemented across multiple African countries are managed by Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF).

Better Cotton Country Snapshots

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