Here you will find guidance and requirements on how Better Cotton Members calculate their total annual cotton fibre consumption.

Why do I need to calculate my annual cotton fibre consumption? What happens if I miss the deadline for submissions? We answer all of your questions in this FAQ for retailers and brands. 

FAQs for Suppliers and Manufacturers are available here, with a Mandarin translation 棉花消耗量测算:供应商和制造商的常见问题解答 (Conversion Factors FAQ) available here.

Documents and Resources

Measuring Cotton Consumption

Conversion Factors and Multipliers

Better Cotton provides revised and more detailed conversion factors and multipliers to be used in calculating total annual cotton fibre consumption.

3.44 MB

Measuring Cotton Consumption: Better Cotton Conversion Factors and Multipliers


Measuring Cotton Consumption

Requirements and Guidance

These Requirements & Guidance set the expectations for consistent and accurate measurement and reporting of total annual cotton fibre consumption to Better Cotton by Retailer & Brand Members.

682.88 KB

Measuring Cotton Consumption: Requirements & Guidance


Measuring Cotton Consumption

Technical Supplement

This supplement is a technical guide to help Retailer & Brand Members gather and analyse data related to their cotton consumption and to improve the quality and consistency of information submitted to Better Cotton.

1.71 MB

Measuring Cotton Consumption: Technical Supplement

Measuring Cotton Consumption: Technical Supplement

Measuring Cotton Consumption

Cotton Calculation Tool

An optional tool for Retailer & Brand Members to use in order to calculate their total annual cotton fibre consumption.

436.75 KB

Measuring Cotton Consumption: Better Cotton Cotton Calculation Tool

An optional tool for Retailer & Brand Members to use in order to calculate their total annual cotton fibre consumption.

Measuring Cotton Consumption

Annual Cotton Consumption Submission Form

Retailer & Brand Members submitting data to Better Cotton must complete and include this Submission Form.

52.30 KB

Measuring Cotton Consumption: Better Cotton Annual Cotton Consumption Submission
