Better Cotton Introduction for Retailers and Brands

This webinar will provide an introduction to Better Cotton as an organisation, including overview of the Better Cotton Standard System, sourcing, communications, and membership details for Retailers & Brands. Audience: …

Better Cotton Monthly Training for Retailers and Brands

This is a Members-only event – you can register through myBetterCotton. If you require access to myBetterCotton, contact [email protected]. Better Cotton offers a monthly training session for Retailer and Brand Members. Please note we will not have a training session in August. Who should attend? What is the Training Format? This is a Members Only …

US Field Trip: Better Cotton, Quarterway Cotton Growers, ECOM and Soil Health Institute

Plainview, Texas

Join Better Cotton, Quarterway Cotton Growers, ECOM, and Soil Health Institute in the cotton fields of Plainview, Texas, September 19-20, 2024. The goal of this field trip is to bring Better Cotton Members to meet with Quarterway Cotton Growers, develop meaningful connections and learn more about a local, multi-crop West Texas supply chain. The Plainview …

Better Cotton Large Farm Dialogue


The Large Farm Dialogue Series is an initiative to bring together selected partners working where cotton is grown in large fields, is highly mechanised, and/or relies on permanent hired labour. …

Better Cotton Claims Training


This session is for existing members of Better Cotton and will focus on training brands on how to make Key Basic Claims, Advanced, and Product-level claims according to the Better …

Supplier Training Programme – Portuguese – All About the Better Cotton Platform


Este treinamento será realizado especificamente para todos os assuntos relacionados à plataforma Better Cotton. Público: A Better Cotton convida fornecedores que compram algodão BC e que são novos ou aqueles que estão simplesmente interessados em aprender mais sobre a Better Cotton. Portanto, traders, fiações, fábricas de tecidos e fabricantes de produtos finais são os candidatos …